Christmas Gifts

I've got Christmas presents and stocking stuffers on the brain, probably because I've been listening to iTunes in shuffle mode while I'm working and I have a lot of Christmas music. (Even as I write this, I'm listening to "Someday at Christmas" by Remy Zero from the Victoria Secret's Christmas Morning CD - I told you that CD set was one of my favorites!) Here's a few of the things I'm buying for gifts this year (none of these for people that actually read this):

I bought myself an inexpensive travel jewelry case at Target's One Spot a while ago, but I love this one from the Container Store. I've bought some jewelry to go in it, as well.

I've bought a bunch of these personal toiletry bags from L.L. Bean for gifts already, and they're a favorite among my family.

Can you guess who this is for? Jake is totally crazy about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (and wants to be one for Halloween). This Pez dispenser (Leonardo, of course) is from - I had no idea there were that many out there.

I bought some of these pocket mirrors for stockings (and one for me!) I love Etsy - you can find anything you can imagine (and lots of stuff you probably can't imagine, too).

Lastly, I love these quote bracelets (and I love that you can customize them!) I'm looking into getting a gift certificate so the recipient can be choose the quote they want.

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