Worship: I love worship, and I love singing. I've sung solos in church before (lots of different churches, too) and love it, and I really liked being on the worship team at Mountain View. But being the worship team at the Bridge is sometimes so hard. A lot of weeks, it's difficult to really worship, to feel like I'm contributing and even that I'm singing well (which I know, isn't completely what its all about). But last week was so great. Nearly all of the songs that we did are some of my favorite worship songs ever, and mean a lot to me personally, and I just felt like I could sing them well. But then tonight, I'm at practice with Johnny (we're the only ones who could make it) and every single song is just so high that I feel like I'm squeaking or barely singing, and I finally figured out what the problem is (and what made last week different). Most worship songs are high for me, and what's comfortable for Johnny is almost always high for me. It was kind of a fluke that all of last week's songs weren't. When I sing a solo, I pick the key, so the range is comfortable for me, and when I sing with lots of other vocalists, especially female vocalists, I can back off a little. Not so when you're the only female vocalist. Johnny wants me to just harmonize, or sing something along with the melody within my range, but that's a little more free-styling than I'm comfortable with, and I just don't easily hear harmony - I have to have it written out and practice it over and over and over. I'm not sure exactly what the solution is. Though I guess its good we figured out the problem. It was just hard because I went into practice feeling good because I had just been complimented on last week, and I left feeling a little in over my head.

1 comment:

  1. You always sound so great at worship. I can definitely though understand a frustation like this. I will be praying for you. You have been a blessing to me each week that you sing:).
    Anyways we missed life group...we definitely love the people we have met. And Billy can not stop talking about guys night:).

    Have a great day...
    Talk to you soon



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