The first holiday event of the season

Today, I joined my family (and several friends) for our annual pre-Christmas breakfast at a local restaurant, all decked out for Christmas. It's been a tradition for as long as I can remember, and I can remember not being allowed to go, as it was for "adults only." Usually, we go out the Saturday before Christmas, but Dad's upcoming knee replacement surgery (Monday!) made today a much better option.

Then, shopping at a local outlet mall, where I picked up most of the rest of my Christmas gifts! A small gift for a ten-year-old cousin, to add to his family's game basket, and stocking items for me and Dakota.

I bought holiday socks for the girls for the family game basket, but now I'm wondering about whether women's socks will work for an 11-year-old girl. Might have to brainstorm other ideas, there.

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