Resolutions: I struggle with resolutions every year, mostly because I have trouble narrowing them down. I can think of a lot of things I could resolve to do - go to bed earlier, lose weight, commit to being on time, have regular morning quiet times, complete house projects, clean out the back room, manage my money better, even less tangible things like practice generosity. The problem is, to do all of these at once is unrealistic - goals and resolutions work better one at a time, two at the most. On the other hand, this time of year is filled with a new energy, a motivation to actually accomplish these things, so I'd like to harnass that. How do you use your motivation wisely without overwhelming yourself?


  1. I heard there was a church in town whose pastor was talking about this very topic on Sunday. You should check it out- The Bridge Church at the Hampton Inn next to Chuck E. Cheese. Service starts at 11am.


  2. Kristy- I agree with everythign that you said. the funny part is how similar we are and yet how different


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