Theme song

I like buying a new CD just before I'm about to take a road trip - it gives me something to look forward to when I'm in the car, and I know I can take the time to really listen to the lyrics. Saturday night I needed to pick up some accompaniment tracks at the Christian book store, so I bought Casting Crowns new CD. Having heard "East to West" on the radio, I thought it would be my favorite song, but I'm really loving "Somewhere In The Middle." I love these lyrics:

Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle

It reminds me of a quote that I love:

There is a God we want, and there is a God who is. They are not the same God. The turning point in our lives is when we stop seeking the God we want and start seeking the God who is.
- Patrick Morely, The Seven Seasons of a Man's Life

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