Jacob's nativity story

Jacob and I spend a lot of time together talking about stories from the Bible, so I figured while I was home, I would read him the story of Jesus' birth from his childrens' Bible. Except his Bible was in the car, and I was cold and lazy, so instead, I told him the story using Mom's Boyds Bear nativity set.

Once I finished moving each piece around and telling him the whole story, Jacob wanted to tell me a story:

"The giants (he moves two tall nutcrackers closer to the nativity set) came to the city and said, 'Don't be afraid! I have good news - Jacob is born!' Isn't that a good story?"

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Adorable- Out of the mouths of babes...

    New Year's blessings,
    kari & kijsa


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