I'm just saying

I went to Target today to pick up a whole bunch of random things, and while I was there, I was searching for these:

These are incredible, but I can't find them anywhere, and this is actually probably a good thing, because I can eat most of a bag in one sitting.

But this isn't the story I was planning to tell.

While I'm in the food aisle at Target, I see this little girl, maybe three years old, calling for her mom and checking every aisle. She's starting to cry because she can't find her mom, and as I looked around, no one is paying any attention to the girl. So, I figured I would try to help.

I went up to her and asked her if she was okay. She said she couldn't find her mom, so I held out my hand and asked her to come with me, and we would try to find her mom. I had seen a couple of employees a few aisles back, so we walk back, when she sees her mom walk out of a aisle and runs to her.

And her mom gives me a dirty look.

Because that makes sense. You can't keep track of your daughter and don't seem to hear her crying for you, and I'm the one getting the dirty looks.

I'm just saying.

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